Saint Ann School is partnering with Saint James School of Red Bank to raise funds for the Share Uganda Charity. One of our former teachers, Ms. Shields, often participates in volunteer work and this year she has the opportunity to travel to Uganda and help facilitate the Sanyu Project, a self-sustainable sanitary towel project for girls in Uganda's rural areas. Ms. Shields, along with Dr. Lisa Collins and Dr. Janina Moereke, will be traveling to Kaaso, in Southern Uganda to establish this project and find a solution for young women to be able to receive an education. In order to support this cause we will be having a dress-down day on Friday, March 24 for a $2 minimum, with all money raised being donated to Share Uganda. As we support Ms. Shields with our constant prayers, we are happy to put our faith into action with this service project. Thank you Miss Shields for this great opportunity to be citizens of the world! For more information about this project visit
Saint Ann School is excited to announce an important adjustment being made to the schedule options of our Prekindergarten Program, beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year. After much discussion and research, it has been decided that next year (2023-2024 SY) the PreK 4 program will move to a full day for ALL enrollees and will have options of 4 or 5 days a week. We will also transition students away from nap time within the first two months of school. This change will allow the program to continue its preparation for kindergarten and also better integrate the students into the whole school. More information about this change will be available shortly. For any questions or concerns please contact the school office at 609-882-8077, ext. 213 or 214.
Saint Ann School Families, Saint Ann School Christmas festivities have begun. Below are some important key dates for the next few days. We look forward to seeing many of you at the Christmas Pageant tomorrow. You will also notice we have some special “dress up” days the last week before break. As always, if you have any questions please reach out to us. Wednesday, December 14 – 12:30 pm: Pageant Dress Rehearsal – Families are welcome to attend but understand that this is a rehearsal and stoppages/corrections will take place as necessary. Wednesday, December 14 – Pageant 6:30 pm: the Evening performance is “dress-up”. NO tee shirts, jeans of any color, sneakers of any type, workbooks, or shorts. Students may dress in Christmas colors, or jewel-tone shades and prints. Some sections are reserved for students, please be cognizant of seating arrangements prior to taking a pew. December 15: Picture Retakes & 8th Grade Cap & Gown Pictures December 19-22: Christmas Spirit Dress. For more information about the dress code, visit our website. December 22: 12:00 PM Early Dismissal: NO ASP! December 23-January 2: Christmas Break! We wish all of our SAS families and students a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Simbang Gabi, the traditional Filipino nine-day series of Masses in anticipation of Christmas will begin on Thursday December 15, at St. Gregory the Great Church, and will conclude here at the Church of Saint Ann on Friday December 23. For a full schedule of Masses, click HERE or visit the Advent page of the parish website.
Sunday, December 18, at 3 PM, the Saint Ann Youth Choir will perform its annual Christmas Concert. All are welcome to attend and join in the Christmas spirit!
Saturday, December 10, the Church of Saint Ann will have the annual Christmas Tree Lighting in front of the church with hot cocoa and cookies immediately following. All are welcome!
On December 10 and 11, we will be having the Blessing of the Bambinell at all masses. You are invited to bring the Baby Jesus from your Nativity Scene to be blessed.
Sunday, December 11, at 3 PM, the St. Ann’s Adult Choir will perform Christmas Lessons and Carols. The spoken reflections and musical selections will help prepare our hearts for the celebration of Christmas. A reception with light refreshments will follow in the Community Room. All are welcome!
What a day! Tuesday, Nov. 29, Saint Ann School and all Catholic grammar schools in the Diocese of Trenton joined with other organizations worldwide to participate in one global day of giving. To all those who made our Giving Tuesday campaign a success – thank you! If you didn’t get a chance to pledge your time, prayers, or financial contribution yesterday, our campaign is still open. Just click HERE to donate! Once again, thank you for your support! We cannot wait to see how your contribution to our Giving Tuesday campaign will help our school! #CatholicSchoolsHaveItAll
We are delighted to announce that the Saint Ann School Drama Club is returning for the 2022-2023 school year! The Drama Club is open to all Saint Ann School students in grades 2-8. Stage crew is open to students in grades 6-8. A parent/student information meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov 30, 7:00-8:00 pm in the SAS Cafeteria. The purpose of this meeting is to introduce the program to parents and students, discuss future plans, and answer questions. This is not a drop-off event, students should be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Please e-mail with questions.
On November 29th more than 9,000 Catholic school students in the Diocese of Trenton will participate in Giving Tuesday, a global day celebrating philanthropic generosity and the act of giving back. Among them, Saint Ann students will receive a smartwatch-shaped paper wristband prompting them to complete random acts of kindness, such as donating coats to the needy, sharing prayers with the family, or volunteering to pick up trash in their community. Imagine if we have 9,000 Faith leaders (like You!) match the children’s generosity with a donation to support Catholic education. 100% of the money raised will go back to your school! With a gift of any size, YOU can help support Catholic schools now and in the future. Please show school spirit by showing our students that you support Catholic Education! Click HERE to pledge NOW or visit
On Friday, November 11th, Saint Ann School will be having a special prayer service for Veterans Day. The students will be honoring and mentioning by name all of those Saint Ann’s family members who have served our country and will also be praying for our troops, past, and present. Did you know that SAS has a bulletin board dedicated to military family members? For more information please see the Military Recognition Board flyer on our website or simply click HERE. Should you need any information about the prayer service or Military Board please get in touch with Mrs. Karen Meagher at to submit the name of your loved ones.
El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and November 2nd. It's a time to remember deceased loved ones and honor them. The Day of the Dead is a festive occasion, a time to celebrate, much like a family reunion. Making an altar (or ofrenda, in Spanish) for the occasion can be a way for you to honor the life of someone who was important to you or remembers your ancestors. Mrs. Laccetti will be making an Altar, or Ofrenda table, and displaying it at the entrance of our school for the students to see and we need your contributions! The Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico between October 31st and November 2nd. It's a time to remember deceased loved ones and honor them. The Day of the Dead is a festive occasion, a time to celebrate, much like a family reunion. Making an altar (or ofrenda as it's sometimes called in Spanish) for the occasion can be a way for you to honor the life of someone who was important to you or remembers your ancestors. We will be making an Altar or Ofrenda table, and displaying it at the entrance of our school for the students to see and we need your contributions! If you have a special someone your family would like to remember on our Altar please email Mrs. Laccetti a picture of your loved ones and a brief description of what you remember the most about them.
A few reminders to keep in mind as we enter flu and general sickness season. Three Questions to ask yourself about your sick child: 1) Does your child have a fever? Fevers of 99.9° F or higher generally indicate illness so children should stay home from school. Children need to be fever free without the use of fever-reducing medications (Tylenol, Motrin) for 24 hours before returning to school. - 2) Is your child well enough to engage in classroom activities? If ill children are too tired or run down to attend school, keep them home. - 3) Do you think your child has a contagious illness? If so, keep them home and take them to the doctor for confirmation and medication (if needed). Additionally, if your child is sent home from school for having a fever or vomiting, they cannot return to school the next day. If you are unsure whether to send your child to school, please contact your child’s doctor's office or the school nurse ( Thank you for keeping SAS safe!
With the beginning of the 22/23 academic year, enrichment clubs are returning to Saint Ann School. There is much to choose from: CYO Athletics, Volleyball Club, Spanish Club, School Choir, and many more! Visit our Club Webpage at (or click HERE) for more information and registration forms.
Hello everyone, my name is Chris Tricoles, "Mr. T" and I am happy to be a part of the Saint Ann School community to teach science to grades 5-8. This is my 1st year teaching at SAS and my 1st year teaching in a classroom environment. I received an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Nassau Community College in Garden City, NY and a Bachelors in Science from St. John's University in Jamaica, NY. Even though it is my 1st year in my own classroom, I am not a stranger to a teaching environment. Previously, I have been a variety of roles in education. First, I started as a lunchroom/playground aide in special education at the Samsel Upper Elementary School in Sayreville, NJ. Next followed becoming a substitute teacher for the Sayreville Board of Education and assumed that role at the Sayreville Middle School and Assumption Catholic School in Perth Amboy, NJ. I was introduced to being an educator when assuming the role of a interim physical education teacher at John Adams Elementary School in North Brunswick Township, NJ and the following year became a Paraprofessional/co-teacher at North Brunswick Township High School assisitng a student on a 1:1 basis while attending general education classes. Also assumed the role as a assistant coach on the "Raider Robotix" team as well. In the prior 3 summers, I have been a Nature/Survival Skills specialist at Eagles Landing Day Camp, also located in North Brunswick, NJ instructing children from ages 2-15. The professional experience I have gained is in multiple areas such as , Military, Law Enforcement, Banking and Retail Sales Management. I have been very involved in many areas of various communities being a Scout Leader and Merit Badge Counselor for Scouting BSA, working with the Girl Scouts, being involved in he past as a member of the Holy Name Society, affiliated with the St. Stanislaus Kostka RC Church and being the Corresponding Secretary for the "HSA", Home School Association for the St. Stanislaus Kostka School in Sayreville, NJ. I have a passion for Science as well as History and hope to share my love for problem-solving and exploring the unknown with my students. I look forward to an amazing year with all the students, faculty and staff and hope to create new and everlasting memories in the upcoming school year and years to come.
"Home is the first and primary school. Parents are the first and primary teachers. By the time children enter the doors of a school, substantial education and formation has already taken place. Children bring with them to school all that they have learned in the family home: language and basic vocabulary, behaviors and social skills, attitudes and values."... To read more from Bishop O'Connell's article click HERE
Attention SAS families and friends! We have extended our annual Fit-A-Thon to AUGUST 15! There is still time to pledge and support our school! Click HERE to pledge!