Happy New Year Saint Ann families! I'd like to share with you a summary of the activities in which the various grades will be participating in for the month of January in my Physical Education class. PreSchool, Kindergarten, and 1st-grade students will continue to practice basic locomotor skills such as skipping, galloping, running, shuffling, hopping, etc., and enhance their listening skills working cooperatively with a partner and in groups. Some individual activities this age group will be participating in include the use of bean bags, scooters, wands, and hula hoops, with and without music. Grade 2 & 3 will continue to build on cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, and endurance along with locomotor movements by participating in group and partner games that focus on these skills. Some individual activities this age group will participate in include the use of jump ropes, scooters, and hula hoops, with and without music. Grades 4-8 will concentrate specifically on enhancing their cardiovascular endurance, hand-eye coordination, and teamwork by participating in jump rope and volleyball related activities. For more information about Phys. Ed. at SAS check out my webpage at www.saintannschool.org/john-zimmer