Saint Ann Middle School Families, on Monday, 04/27, we begin our remote learning school schedule. Each class will be meeting if not every day, at least a couple of times each week. Students should all be on the lookout for invites to these classes. They must RSVP and attend each class as we will be taking attendance. Most of the classes should be just like attending class in school, which means students should be awake and ready to learn. Classes will meet or post a remote learning tutorial Monday through Thursday, with an “office hour” day on Friday for students to reach any of their teachers with questions or requests for help. Parents, please keep in mind that Google Classroom is a platform that is to be used between the teachers and students. Any communication between parents and teachers should be done via email and not through Google Classroom. We are keeping this format for learning purposes only. We appreciate your understanding of this. Please know that we welcome your questions- just please send them to our email so that we can respond to you efficiently. We look forward to seeing all our students on a more regular basis when we begin our remote learning schedule on Monday.