Saint Ann School PTA is hosting its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive now through Nov. 6. Again this year we are participating in the Students Change Hunger program to collect food for our local food bank, Mercer Street Friends. We have been Division Three heavyweight champion for the past years! We collected 1203lb of food in 2019, 1534lb of food in 2018, 2213lb in 2017. This includes poundage converted from our Dress Down Day cash as well. For more information about this program, you can visit For a list of items needed check the flyer on the online PIE page of our school website. We greatly appreciate your generosity in making this service project successful!
Make it ORANGE and make it stop! Saint Ann School celebrated National Unity Day yesterday, Oct. 21. Students and faculty wore orange to show that we are together against bullying, and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Thank you Saint Ann School for always choosing kindness! Every day should be Unity Day!
Saint Ann School families, on Wednesday, October 21 we will celebrate National Unity Day. All students and staff are encouraged to wear orange to raise awareness against bullying. This "wear orange" dress down day is free. Monday, October 19 in the evening I will be sending a test message for our emergency communication system. You should receive a phone call, text message (if you are opt-in), and email. If you have any changes to your email or phone number, it is extremely important that you inform the office. If you do not receive the email, phone call, or text (after opting-in) please contact the office. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. God Bless!
Saint Ann School families, this Halloween PTA members will be helping our students to celebrate Halloween! The PTA is sponsoring events during the day on Friday, Oct. 30, Since we are unable to have our traditional Halloween activities we will be hosting a Trick-or-Treat Trail for all in-person learners. Students will come to school in costume, and please remind them about headwear not interfering with the children’s ability to wear their mask. Also, note that students are not permitted to bring in any treats for their classmates this year. The PTA will be setting up stations outside with various treats and will also have music. Stations will be attended by one class at a time. The afternoon will include the ability to eat the treats provided by the PTA while enjoying a movie. We are hopeful that this will bring a little bit of the Halloween spirit to our students and I am grateful for the PTA’s funding of this endeavor, which is made possible thanks to all of your support of the PTA’s various fundraisers. As always thank you for your wonderful support. God Bless,
Saint Ann School Families, Saint Ann School is consistently seeking input so we can grow and provide what families need. In order to assist we are asking for your feedback. Please take the time to complete the three Family Engagement surveys that I have sent you in my latest email. They will be open until Friday evening. You can also find a link to these surveys on the home page of our website The purpose of these surveys is to find out a family’s beliefs and opinions about their engagement with their student’s institution; a family's opinions about their child's school, including questions about teachers, administrators, and other aspects of their child's and their own experiences with the school; a family's description of aspects of their and their child's experience with school. The term “family” refers to any adult who has some level of responsibility for the student. As usual, I thank you for your cooperation. God bless!
“What is the name of the Hispanic national holiday celebrating the heritage and cultural diversity of Latin America? What day is it celebrated on?” And the answer is... El Dia De La Raza! Observed on October 12 to celebrate Latin Heritage and cultural diversity in Latin America. The winners of this week's trivia are Ava Fallon, 7B, and Terrel Williams, 3A. Felicidades!!! This concludes our celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations again to all our trivia winners! Hasta luego!
And the Oscar for Best Actor goes to... Jose Ferrer! He is the answer to Mrs. Laccetti's trivia question for this week. in 1951, he was the first Hispanic actor to win the Oscar with the movie "Cyrano de Bergerac". Congratulations to Jilian in 7B for being the first one to guess! Next week will be the last week to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and the last week for Mrs. Laccetti's Trivia Tuesday! Stay tuned and good luck!