Saint Ann School Families, we officially ended a school year that will not be forgotten any time soon. The last three months have shown the resiliency of our students and the adaptability of the teachers. I am grateful to all for the hard work, dedication, and communication you have had throughout the distance learning experience. Over the last weeks, we celebrated our smallest and largest graduates. The eighth grade will forever hold a special place in my heart for the amazing way they bonded and work through missing many of the typical end of year traditions. I am grateful that we were able to celebrate their diploma drive-up and virtual graduation. I hope you all are able to take the time to rest and relax this summer. At school, we have already begun planning and working on next year. During the summer we will have office hours of Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. Enjoy the Summer! Salvatore Chiaravalloti
Saint Ann School Families – The events unfolding in our country cannot and should not be ignored. False police reports while walking an unleashed dog in a park, the death of George Floyd at the hands of a law enforcement officer, protests, riots, looting and buildings aflame. Unfortunately, these events are not isolated nor are they new. It is difficult to watch and explain to my children why this is happening but one thing is clear – as human beings, Christians, Catholics we are unable to just idly standby. We must express the need for change and be willing to be the change in the systemic oppression of minorities. No parent, spouse, or child should ever need to worry if their loved one is going to arrive home safely simply due to the color of their skin. I watch the protests across our country and am heartened seeing new voices raised regarding this issue. I am encouraged by the peaceful protestors who are voicing the need to end these injustices while not being involved in the attempted hijacking of the cause by those looting or destroying properties. We cannot let the selfish individuals creating issues distract from the message of those who protest peacefully just as it is unfair to the honest, hardworking, dedicated law enforcement officers who represent the badge with honor to be called racist due to colleagues and others who do are not deserving of being officers of the law. Saint Ann School is a diverse school and part of our job is to instill in students’ knowledge based on truth and justice. Our faith is based on the teachings of Christ regarding love, unity, and peace. We, as a united people, must rise above the hatred to create an impactful, lasting change. Through these unfortunate events, an opportunity is emerging for true equality and transformation of our country to ensure all people have the same opportunities and rights. I know that I do not have all the answers but the minority community is suffering and we need to show them our support and love. God Bless!
Saint Ann School Families, We have entered the last weeks of school. This week we are winding down our distance learning experience, next week we will be celebrating the year with virtual end of year class parties. All student materials are organized and ready for pick-up. Pick-up Day will be Wednesday, June 10. We will be following the schedule below for the pick-up of student items as well as the return of materials to the school. When arriving for pick-up you will return textbooks, library books, and devices (Chromebooks for grades 6-8) as well as any other school items. The schedule for the return of materials will be as follows: K-1 8:30-10:30 AM; 2-3 10:30 AM-12:30 PM; 4-5 12:30-2:30 PM; 6-7 2:30-4:3- PM. Eighth-grade students will return and receive materials on Friday during the receipt of diplomas. Siblings will have items together. If you have a child in 1st and 4th grade you will only need to come during one of the times to get both students' materials and return their materials as well. As usual, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. God Bless! Mr. C