Once again, Saint Ann School is moving forward... safely! Our principal, Mr. Chiaravalloti approved the opening of an after-school Embroidery Club. The club will be open to 7-grade students and supervised by Ms. Casey Shields. The club will run every Monday, 2:30-3:45 PM, from February 8 to March 29. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines, space will be limited to 10 students only. To attend the club, families will have to fill out a registration form (which can be found on our website) and submit it to the office, attn: MS. Shields. First come, first serve! So hurry!
Saint Ann School PTA has kicked off their annual Read-A-Thon on Friday, Jan. 15, encouraging all students to read as many books as they can between Jan. 15-Feb.15, to raise money for the St. Ann School PTA. Students are asked to read 20+ minutes per day for the duration of the Read-a-Thon and record their reading time. The more they read, the more chances they will get to win prizes and a dress down day pass. All reading counts! Books, magazines, ebooks, audiobooks! Families and friends can pledge their support for a student's reading. They can pledge online or send in a check. All money raised will help the PTA efforts to support Saint Ann School. So spread the word and get reading!
Saint Ann School and all Catholic schools around the nation are getting ready to celebrate Catholic Schools Week. National Catholic Schools Week (CSW - 1/31-2/6) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. Schools celebrate students during National Catholic Schools Week by planning enjoyable and meaningful activities for them and recognizing their accomplishments. We honor teachers, administrators, and staff who support them in their work and thank those who provide volunteer service. This year, CSW is going to be very different than normal. Because of COVID restrictions and guidelines, many of the activities and events will have to be canceled. Despite the challenge, our faculty and administrators are still planning a week focused on our students that will offer fun classroom activities, a virtual mass, and a chance to still do service and give back to our community even if from a "social distance". We invite you to celebrate with us! Visit our website to learn more about CSW, spread the word about our school community, and check our social media pages for glimpses of our celebration. Happy Catholic Schools Week everyone!
Saint Ann School families, as many of you have probably heard by now, we are sad to share the unfortunate news that Trenton Catholic Academy (TCA) will be closing its doors at the end of this school year. It is always difficult when a Catholic school closes, especially one in such proximity to us. Our prayers go out to all administration staff, faculty members, student body, and their families. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they cope with this upsetting news. To read more about this, visit www.trentoncatholic.org
On Monday, Jan. 4, Saint Ann School reopened the doors to welcome back staff and students after the Christmas break. Everything was ready to resume business as usual. Over the break, the school administration provided a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the building to provide a safe and healthy environment for all upon their return. As we move forward with the remaining of the 20/21 academic year, Saint Ann School keeps working hard and diligently to keep offering in-person learning. Thank you to all Saint Ann's families for doing their part outside the school to help preserve the safety of our school community. Welcome back and happy new year!