Hello Saint Ann School Families, We hope you are all enjoying the start to your summer vacation. What a challenging, but wonderful year we had at Saint Ann's. While there were many changes, we are proud of how everyone was able to come together as a community to still provide learning and fun for our students. Thank you for all of the support you each gave us on the PTA. Whether it was volunteering for events, helping our fundraisers to be successful, or enjoying any of the various activities that the PTA ran, you all helped to bring some joy to our children. Colonial Bowling Gift Card We hope you all received your Colonial Bowling Gift Cards that were sent home with your students the last week of school. We want to thank Colonial Bowling for donating these cards to our school for distribution to all school families to have a little fun this summer! Coin Challenge Our Coin Challenge was a great success raising over $1,700 to help us purchase the new cafeteria tables. We also had $350 in direct donations for the cause as well! If you would still like to donate directly, you can send to Christine Savela via friends/family Venmo: CSavela22, PayPal: [email protected], Zelle or Apple Pay: 603-930-2023. Trenton Thunder We have over 30 families attending our Trenton Thunder Night coming up on Saturday June 24th with fireworks after the game. Families should plan to arrive around 5:30pm to be ready for on field activities beginning at 5:45pm. We ask that students wear their gym uniform t-shirt or Fun Day t-shirts to represent our school, but this is not mandatory. We still have 8 remaining tickets for the game at $11/each. If you would like to purchase these tickets, please reply to this email ASAP. Tickets are available on a first come first serve basis. You will receive $3 financial commitment for each ticket purchased, to be applied to the 2023-2024 school year. All Trenton Thunder tickets have been emailed, so please let us know if you did not receive them. We are looking forward to a great night at the ballpark! Open PTA Board Positions There are a couple of remaining board positions open for the 2023-2024 School Year! We have both Chair and Co-Chair positions available. If you are interested in joining the PTA board, please respond to this email for more information. The 2022-2023 PTA Board thanks you for all of your support and we cannot wait to get started on things for the 2023-2024 school year. Thank you, SAS PTA
Dear Saint Ann School Families – I did not want to let the end of the year pass without sending my best wishes for the Summer. I wanted to officially announce that I will be Saint Ann School’s new Head of School for the 23-24 school year and Mrs. Laura Bond will be our new Dean of Academics, in addition to teaching Social Studies. Together with the teachers and staff we have already begun planning and working on plans for next year. The search for Math/Science teachers continues for the Middle School. Together we celebrated many joyful milestones for our Saint Ann’s students in their educational journey. We would like to wish the eighth graders all the best in their transitions to their secondary schools’ communities. They will forever hold a special place in our hearts. We are proud of them and we hope they know they take a piece of Saint Ann with them wherever they go. I hope you are able to take time to rest and relax this summer. Our summer office hours are Monday through Thursday 9:00AM-1:00PM. Enjoy the Summer! Ameriquin Dalmasy-Laccetti Head of School
Saint Ann School Families, we officially ended a school year that will not be forgotten any time soon. The last three months have shown the resiliency of our students and the adaptability of the teachers. I am grateful to all for the hard work, dedication, and communication you have had throughout the distance learning experience. Over the last weeks, we celebrated our smallest and largest graduates. The eighth grade will forever hold a special place in my heart for the amazing way they bonded and work through missing many of the typical end of year traditions. I am grateful that we were able to celebrate their diploma drive-up and virtual graduation. I hope you all are able to take the time to rest and relax this summer. At school, we have already begun planning and working on next year. During the summer we will have office hours of Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. Enjoy the Summer! Salvatore Chiaravalloti
Honk if you love our 8th graders! On Tuesday, 05/12, Mr. C &Ms. Shields, representing all SAS Faculty and Staff, did what they do best: support our students in any way they can. They surprised our 8th graders by driving by their homes and hand-delivered signs to them, a little token of Saint Ann School love for our graduates! Congratulations Class of 2020! We are very proud of how you've been conducting yourselves during this unusual and difficult times. Keep shining and God bless you always!
Saint Ann Families, Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Governor Murphy announced on Tuesday, May 4, that all New Jersey Schools will remain closed for in-person instruction for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Our cyberlearning program will continue for the remainder of the school year. Please refer to my latest email to you for a message from JoAnn Tier, Superintendent of the Diocese of Trenton Catholic Schools regarding this matter. Also, I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Meyer will be taking over the Classroom Science for the remainder of the school year for our middle school classes. Mrs. Daniel has supplied a syllabus and various materials to help with a smooth transition. As usual, if you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me. Stay well and be safe!
Saint Ann School families, we are a few days away from our Diocesan Day of Service for 2020. For obvious reasons, this year is going to be a bit different, but we are going to work to make the day fun & a step in the right direction towards helping others in some small ways. We will be doing a “Chalk Challenge” for a non-profit called Hope Loves Company. For this challenge, we need our students/families to get outside on Friday, May 1, and do some chalk art. (If the weather does not allow for May 1, do the challenge on the next best weather day). Included in that chalk art we ask that the phrase “Kick Some ALS” be included. Please take photos of the design along with the student(s). If you would like to make it a family project, feel free to take a family photo with the chalk design. Please post your photos to social media, tagging Hope Loves Company, and including #kicksomeALS, #saslawrenceville, and #saslville in the post. Please send your photos to [email protected] so we can post the pictures on our school social media pages. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Meyer, [email protected]. Stay safe and stay healthy!
Saint Ann School Families, today I am writing regarding updates and changes to our Distance Learning Plan for the middle school. The change is based on the additional dates of virtual learning and in anticipation of further extension based on current health projections. Students will begin following a schedule, starting on Monday, April 27. The schedule can be found in my last email to you about this matter. This schedule will allow for the setting of a daily routine, consistency to their day, and provide them with opportunities to live, interactive lessons as well as prerecorded. Teachers will be conducting live classes at least 2 times a week with the other 2 days either being live, prerecorded, or a combination. The teacher will be available to the class every day during the scheduled class time. Attendance is recorded in Genesis; it is based on a student being in each class. A failure to attend a class will result in being marked absent. The schedule will run Monday through Thursday with Friday available for individual teacher assistance as needed. Friday will be set-up by the student creating an appointment with the teacher(s) from whom they need additional assistance. This schedule will begin on Monday, April 27. I am also pleased to add that Mrs. Breslin will be holding voluntary sessions for the fifth through eighth-grade students. These will be on the assigned days (see the schedule) and for all students in that grade. Students will be able to discuss various issues, problems, concerns, and interact with Mrs. Breslin and with each other. The sessions with Mrs. Breslin are voluntary. As usual, if you have any questions please let me know. God bless!
Saint Ann School families, the 2019/2020 school yearbook is available to order! The cost for the yearbook is $28.14 for grades Preschool-7th. 8th-grade students do not need to order the yearbook: they will receive a free copy. Orders are due by the end of this month (04/30/20). To order your copy of the yearbook visit https://www.treering.com/validate?PassCode=101429109593218. If you have any questions contact Ms. Shields at [email protected]
Saint Ann School Families, I hope you had a safe and Blessed Easter Sunday during these unprecedented times. I am reaching out today to provide a couple of updates regarding our upcoming school year. 1.Re-registration - March 28th was our original registration deadline. Based on the current situation we have extended the deadline through April. No additional late fees will apply. Please mail the re-registration information to the school. You may also email me to let me know that you are returning. I request that you please respond so that we can start our planning process regarding staffing for the upcoming school year. 2.Transportation Forms - All transportation forms should be mailed to the school. We are collecting mail from the post office each week and will gather/sort any forms as we received them. 3.Tuition - Father Dela Cruz and I are very understanding that many families are currently in a difficult situation financially due to a change in job status. We would request that any family facing financial hardship reach out so that we may work with and assist you. Please email me if you are going to have difficulty meeting the financial commitments and I will work with you to find a resolution. As always THANK YOU for your ongoing support to our School. Stay well and God bless!
Saint Ann School families, to help you faith-fuel your everyday life during these difficult times, we would like to encourage you to explore your Catholic faith at home. Our Diocese is pleased to partner with our the Augustine Institute to give you a free 40-day subscription to FORMED – the online platform that provides the best Catholic movies, programs, audiobooks and talks, all at your fingertips, on your Roku, Apple TV, web browser or FORMED iOS and Android apps. FORMED is a great way to help you and your entire family understand, live and share the Catholic faith. Just visit https://formed.org/signup and enter Faith at Home Trenton for instant access to faith-fueling, inspiring and informative stories, teaching and more. Feel free to share this link and information with your friends and family! You can also visit Miss Meagher's webpage and reach out to her if you have any questions or need any extra support.
Saint Ann School Families, don't miss out on the fun and learning! Check out Mrs. Ortiz's Library Corner on her webpage and find out what's happening this month at the library: lots of Easter activities, virtual events, new book ideas, and information about our school Spring Book Fair, which will take place from April 09 to April 22, online only! Visit our website for more information and details www.saintannschool.org/pat-ortiz
Saint Ann School families, we challenge you to "Unplug to Recharge"! How do you keep your brain active when you're not plugged in? Show us something that you do that doesn't have an app for that. Starting today and throughout your Easter break, snap a picture and email your photos to [email protected]
Congratulations to Saint Ann School students who entered the Mercer County Science & Engineering Fair and brought home awards! Students submitted pictures and reports of their Science Fair Projects to participate in this year's virtual version of the Fair. For elementary and middle school, this is the breakdown of awards: Superior = 1st, Outstanding = 2nd, Meritorious = 3rd, and Honorable Mention. And the winners are... Jillian Yao- Outstanding Achievement. Project Title: "Can You Keep the Noise Down? The Effect of Soundproofing Materials on Sound Transmission." Category: General Science (Junior). William Black- Outstanding Achievement. Project Title: HOLD IT IN - The Effect of Insulation Material on the Temperature. Category: General Science (Junior). Spencer Williams- Meritorious Achievement. Project Title: Assessing Adverse Effects of Vape & Cigarette Emissions. Category: General Science (Junior). Harry Ravenel- Meritorious Achievement. Project Title: The Effect of Color on Taste Perception. Category: General Science (Junior). Neve Sirois- Meritorious Achievement. Project Title: "Stand or Sit." Category: General Science (Elementary). Congratulations on your achievements! We are proud of you!
Saint Ann School Student Council is working on a new project to connect our students and family during this long and forced break. The program is called "Kindness Rocks" and it's the perfect project to work on at home with your family! All you need is a few rocks from outside (maybe pick up some when you go on a walk) and some paint or markers to decorate your rock. Make it colorful for everyone to see and with your family use your creativity to think of a phrase or word that you think is kind. Once your rocks are ready, hold on to them! Student Council is still working on the details and how to get the rocks to school to be displayed outside. So stay tuned for updates! To learn more about the Kindness Rocks project visit www.thekindnessrocksproject.com
Dear Parents and Guardians, our prayers are with you and your families as we work together to respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19). This past week has been a learning experience for all of us. Our administrators and faculty are working to deliver a new learning platform to meet the needs of your children. The students represent the new pioneers of 2020 in this unique learning environment. With understanding, support and a gentle spirit, we work together in this unprecedented time. To mitigate further spread of the virus, the closure of all schools and religious education classes in the Diocese of Trenton has been extended through April 17, 2020...
Since NJ Governor Murphy gave a Stay at Home order beginning Saturday, 03/21 at 9 pm, it was now or never for Saint Ann School trout to be released, rather than dying due to poor water quality or not being fed since his order was indefinite in terms of time. Many of the teachers who implemented the "Trout in the Classroom" program released their trout last week before their schools closed. SAS science teacher Mrs. Daniel followed suit and released our trout last Saturday before the lock-down, with the help of some family members. For the final updates of our "Trout in the Classroom" program visit Mrs. Daniels website www.stannscience.weebly.com
Saint Ann School celebrated PiDay a little early this year! Students in all grade levels were able to "Pie in the face" our principal, Mr. C, our Spanish teacher, Mrs. Laccetti, and Social Studies teacher, Ms. Shields! We had lots of fun while helping the SAS student council raise money for new picnic tables. Thank you to all who helped and contributed.
Saint Ann School Student Council members are bringing recess to the next level! Following a fundraiser the students organized and conducted in February, they used the proceeds to buy new equipment for recess. With the help of the SAS Smith family, they were also able to design and build a new equipment box to hold the new items! Ms. Shields and the rest of the staff created a system that allows all students to borrow the new equipment at recess time and return it to the box at the end of the period. We would like to extend a special thank you to Mr. Smith and the Smith Family for helping us with this project!
Lots of learning and projects going on at Saint Ann School! In Ms. Shields's middle school Social Studies class, 7th-grade students are creating their own classroom constitution based on our U. S. constitution. In 8th grade, students just presented their labor strike picket signs from Students History. And in 6th grade, students are working on an advertisement of 3 philosophies of ancient China: Taoism, Legalism, and Confucianism, as well as discussing their older religion. Meanwhile, in Ms. Liepins Art class, 8th graders earned enough points for their second art party this year: the theme was Bob Ross and the students created their own landscapes and followed along to his video tutorial to create their landscapes Artist palette. Art Club members created abstract paintings, and Preschool students worked on making sharks reproductions. They were "fin-tastic"! Great job students! keep up the good work!
To help kids better understand the Coronavirus, Malaka Gharib of the NPR blog Goats and Soda has created a comic that explains COVID-19 in simple terms for children. Read all about it with your child at https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/02/28/809580453/just-for-kids-a-comic-exploring-the-new-coronavirus or visit our Library page for more information and resources.